
An unplanned journey.
An unexpected road.

Roadsalt is a muscle recovery and detoxification remedy for road runners and cyclists. It evolved as a result of a wandering conversation between three friends. Not so surprising is these friends happened to be a professional cyclist, a sports injury therapist and a designer. We’d not missed the irony that both running and cycling on our roads is not always the healthy practice it’s said to be. Both the physical stresses and the roadside environment can lead to muscle stress and the body is exposed to a host of toxins, bacteria and nasty pollutants. Roadsalt is no cozy bubble bath – but if you’re prepared to push your body to its limits, your recovery strategy should be equally extreme.


The good fight

The only real hesitancy we felt when developing Roadsalt was concern that, despite it being 100% natural, organic and vegan, it was still another product out there- more packaging. The coronavirus pandemic has ensured that plastic is more prevalent than ever, as efforts to reduce the spread of the virus have resulted in unprecedented demand for single use PPE in particular. We are committed to ensuring that all of our packaging (including the inner sachet and shipping packaging) is 100% recyclable and appropriately sized for its contents, helping to preserve the planet rather than pollute it. 

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